Updating GNSS Module
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In the event there is a need to update the configuration of GNSS receiver, this can be done for both airborne and ground module (RTK GNS). The latest configuration files, as well as the configuration tool, can be found in the downloads section on the Sky-Drones website http://sky-drones.com/dload
First of all you need to download and install UBlox U-Center utility. After completing the installation, run the program.
Plug in RTK GNSS Module to the USB port of your computer and make sure that the green LED is solid (NOT flashing).
Go to U-Center utility and set up the connection in the top-left corner: choose the right COM port and set the baud rate to 115200.
Then go to Tools
> GNSS Configuration
and select the configuration file. SetStore configuration into BBR / Flash
Press File > GNSS
button, the update process should start.
If the messages dialog closes itself and you cannot see any error messages or reports, this means that the configuration of the GPS receiver has been successfully updated.
Connect your FTDI cable to the GPS port of the flight controller as follows:
<-> GND
<-> RX
<-> TX
Do NOT connect 5V and/or power supply pin from FTDI cable to the flight controller! Flight controller will get the power from the USB cable. Set the boot switch in UPD (“Update”) mode, connect your USB cable to the flight controller and connect the FTDI cable to your computer. Your setup should look as follows: 
Once connected, proceed with the update steps described above.
Troubleshooting: if it seems that there is no connection to the GPS module, try changing the TX and RX pins of the FTDI cable connected to your flight controller. Note that sometimes the colours changing means the elements have been swapped.
Do not forget to put the switch back to the RUN position!